This quad is insanely fluffy-smooth on the palate, with an even, full-body and semi-sharp carbonation edge that knocks the silky bliss down for a moment. The softness returns as a mildly sweet malt profile, with dried raisins, powdery dark chocolate, sweet cherries soaked in alcohol and a slight tartness of strawberries. Hop character coats with a leafy feel on the palate, yielding a delicate noble hop bitterness, as well as a touch of cheesiness and pithiness. This melds with spicy phenols, which lends a slight medicinal flavor that wanders within the spicy alcohol and heat. Finish is very dry, with residual yeast and crackery lingers.
Intense clove flavors attack the plate. One side stays spicy, and the other shows a maltiness and sweetness. Some tropical fruitiness; strong, fresh apple and bubble-gum notes; and more biting phenols meet in the middle, like a train wreck. Peppery and bitey yeast, with an unpleasant pithy and tannic astringency. Smacks of lager-esque sourness, under a faint lemon. Some sweet malty flavors attempt to well up amid the chaos, but they get killed halfway through. Finishes dry, with a gummy character akin to Bazooka bubble gum, and lingering phenols.
Named after the year when hard root beers soared in popularity with Colonial drinkers, the brew features ingredients such as blackstrap molasses, sassafras root bark, dried wintergreen and licorice. Cloudy, reddish colored brew with coppery amber hues around the edges. Massive, minty nose, with soft sassafras, vanilla, a wet and earthy root character and gingery suggestions. Medium-bodied, smooth and even. Very spicy with cracked black pepper all over the place, almost gingery at times. Rich and robust molasses tanginess and deep sweetness blends well with delicious notes of licorice and subtle vanilla, while a raw and intensely herbal sassafras dominates. Wet root or green twig notes. Touch of sourness and some lemon-like character blends with the sweetness. An Asian sweet-and-sour sauce comes to mind. Suggestions of fresh wet tobacco, with a big, fresh, minty, leafy character sticks into the finish and lingers long. Raw, floral honey notes pull through as the beer warms. Finish is a bit rough and raw. The experience is intense and complex and truly brings your sense and mind back to another era of elixir enjoyment. However, it’s not an easy brew to get down your neck.