Our Awesome Cabin

    The 12-ounce brown bottle drops a dark brew into the glass, with a vibrant brown hue and a tight and slightly off-white head that settles to a creamy ringed lace. Nose is a bit biscuity, with hints of bark, chicory, toasty bread crusts, nuts, subtle dark chocolate and coffee. Creamy on the palate, with an underlying tingle of carbonation highlighted by an aggressive citric-rind hoppiness and an acrid bite.

    Malts are toasty, roasty and moderately sweet, offering nutty flavors of biscuit, earth and roots, a bitey coffee backbone, chicory, powdery chocolate and brown bread. The finish is dry and powdery, with lingering hints of biscuit and bark.

    Out of the bottle and into the glass, the beer pours a very rich, vibrant, copper-colored brew with a seemingly thick consistency, evidenced by the sluggish carbonation bubbles rising to the top. Topped with a very healthy, thick, slightly off-white foam head, the beers lacing is tight and creamy, sticking to the glass and retaining very well. Complex piney and resin-y hop nose with gentle floral notes and a bit of a peppery and spicy rye edge tucked within. Aroma suggests something sweet, with malty caramel up front, loads of enticing ripe fruits, then alcohol.

    Incredibly smooth and creamy, nearly full-bodied and a bit viscous. More body than the appearance leads you to believe. The maltiness comes across first, with a distinct toasty character, followed by bread crusts and a thin honey-like sweetness. Slightly sticky and resiny berry-like flavors smooth out the malty sweetness, with a slight tart edge that’s gone in a flash, leaving an interesting gin-like bite. Finishes with a touch of residual maltiness and a flavored-iced-tea-like linger, with a slowly drying palate.