A freelance WordPress designer/developer with a love for minimal design, clean typography and well-written code, located in Holland.

Sidecar Shots

Brought to us in 16-ounce pints on tap, the condensation-covered glass and dim lighting yielded a shimmering copper-colored brew with a tawny center and a slight touch of haze. Atop the brew, a wonderful tight lacing with more than ample head retention and stick.

iPhone 6

Hints of cardamom, with a lingering raw and semi-astringent pith, husky and wheat-like character in the finish. The tannins throughout the beer, especially in the finish, took a lot away from allowing the subtleties of the brew to shine. Interesting, but not refreshing or overly drinkable.

Stationary Branding

Intensely spicy, with a big grape-fruity zest and a sugary, warming alcohol that smacks you upside the head for noticing it. Malt-wise, caramel and bread flavors clamor to be heard, but the hops entangle them and draw them back into the depths of the brew, where they die. Malt flavors are there, but they add sweetness and body versus anything distinct enough to challenge the hops.

More Handdrawn Goods

Aroma is soft overall, with a resiny and spicy complexity that’s incredible unique. Minty, gin-like and a bit medicinal; slightly fruity, with some spicy rye and a bready background that turns yeasty and doughy as the beer warms.

Images © Handdrawn Goods.