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Sannr WordPress Theme

Extremely pale straw yellow beer, a touch hazy, with a soda-like appearance. Candied ginger aroma, spicy and herbal, with suggestions of cardamom and lilacs. Thin and crisp in the mouth, with some unpleasant tannins up front.

Paper Landscape Brand

More body than the appearance leads you to believe. The maltiness comes across first, with a distinct toasty character, followed by bread crusts and a thin honey-like sweetness. Slightly sticky and resiny berry-like flavors smooth out the malty sweetness, with a slight tart edge that’s gone in a flash, leaving an interesting gin-like bite. Finishes with a touch of residual maltiness and a flavored-iced-tea-like linger, with a slowly drying palate.

Sidecar Shots

Brought to us in 16-ounce pints on tap, the condensation-covered glass and dim lighting yielded a shimmering copper-colored brew with a tawny center and a slight touch of haze. Atop the brew, a wonderful tight lacing with more than ample head retention and stick.

iPhone 6

Hints of cardamom, with a lingering raw and semi-astringent pith, husky and wheat-like character in the finish. The tannins throughout the beer, especially in the finish, took a lot away from allowing the subtleties of the brew to shine. Interesting, but not refreshing or overly drinkable.

Stationary Branding

Intensely spicy, with a big grape-fruity zest and a sugary, warming alcohol that smacks you upside the head for noticing it. Malt-wise, caramel and bread flavors clamor to be heard, but the hops entangle them and draw them back into the depths of the brew, where they die. Malt flavors are there, but they add sweetness and body versus anything distinct enough to challenge the hops.

More Handdrawn Goods

Aroma is soft overall, with a resiny and spicy complexity that’s incredible unique. Minty, gin-like and a bit medicinal; slightly fruity, with some spicy rye and a bready background that turns yeasty and doughy as the beer warms.

Images © Handdrawn Goods.

Qanvas WordPress Theme

Pours a slightly hazed, rich, dark amber beer with orange hues. Massive head on this one, three fingers thick, a white froth with amazing retention; it really sticks to the glass. (Thanks, hop proteins!) The aromatics are unreal, with an aggressive hop scent full of pine, dank resins, spice, grapefruit, rind, pith and a mixed bag of herbal goodies. Beneath it all are sweet, syrupy notes of rich tropical fruit like pineapple, ripe honeydew and mango.

Woman T-Shirt

Smooth, thick and viscous on the palate, with a full and robust body. For a moment, it’s sweet and tropical, then hops rush in and tear it all to shreds! The lip-smacking hop profile roams all over the place, as a sticky pine and a slightly burnt resinous coating forms on the palate.

Handdrawn Goods

Hop presence is masked; however, there is some and it peaks with a tannin feel and semi-citric sharpness. Rough and long-lingering finish with molasses, and soft anise residuals sticking to the palate. A tough one to drink. The use of molasses and licorice is simply overwhelming and without balance.

Images © Handdrawn Goods.